The e-commerce giant Snapdeal has partnered with IIT Delhi and Phoenix Medical solutions to bring “smart canes” at an affordable price tag of INR 3,500. Snapdeal has also partnered with Saksha, an NGO that aims to empower the blind. Customers can also make a donation to Saksham.
The “smart canes” utilizes ultrasonic ranging, that help in predicting above knee-level obstacles and therefore, ensures safety against collisions. The device is already used by nearly 10,000 people in the country.
"We are confident that this product will be well received and our customers will also come forward to donate SmartCane to NGOs working with persons with visual impairment," Snapdeal Senior Vice President (Partnerships and Strategic Initiatives) Tony Navin said in a statement.
M Balakrishnan, Professor at IIT Delhi and Smartcane Team Lead said the product was initiated as a class project.
"It is an outcome of several years of joint effort of academia, industry and user community to make in India an affordable device that conforms to international quality standards. The online availability of such assistive technology products will go a long way in empowering persons with visual disabilities," he added.
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